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Well, usually I do not really like saying something, and the very least about myself. Not even to very good friends I think. That's just how I am and possibly even one of the most important things to be said "about me"...
Well, some more unimportant details maybe: for a very long time I have lived in or around Nürnberg in Germany, so you might just say, that is some kind of my home. And I even have been born there long long ago, I was told it was in the year 1979 or something.
However, in school I have been a very attentive and studious pupil of course, so it was no problem doing the "Abiturprüfung" in 1999 of course. And from October 1999 until December 2004 I have been studying computer science around there in franconia, to be more accurate at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Erlangen.
Meanwhile I have moved to Jena. Because there are so many good job opportunities here in the eastern part of Germany. At most until 2010 I will stay here, and if I don't have my PhD until then, well, then, I don't know. But at least it's quiet nice here in Jena as well and I could well stay here for longer.
As you probably can see from the remaining parts of my homepage I am some kind of a Computer-Freak, or a "Nerd" as this is called on some relevant Linux-News-Sites. I have to admit, I typed in my first program from book even before I knew any english. However, if you are interested in such stuff, better look around at my current employer.
Furthermore the courious ones surely already guessed I'm some kind of addicted to Iceland (Yes, Iceland, this island somewhere in the northern atlantic, you know?). Whenever I have time for some holidays I'm off to the middle of North Atlantic, "for freezing and getting wet". It's not really that bad there. This of course can also perfectly be connected with another great passion of mine, biking. Going cycling at nice weather and on good roads, that is simple and everyone can do that. But that's not what is exciting me.
Well, if anyone really wants to know more about me (noone wishes that, I know) you can find me using my mailaddress. Oh and if I'm around under my nickname "Thorin" somewhere, that is derived from Tolkiens "Hobbit". Some say, the Thorin there is "the most unenjoyable character", but I do like the name anyway. Probably because it fits to my Iceland-fanatism as well... but possibly I myself am some kind of a "unenjoyable character" as well... *g*
Okay, maybe some more secrets "about me":
Eating always is some kind of a problem with me, I'm afraid. I don't like this and I don't like that. But you can always make me happy with salad. Best green and with lots of vinegar (not too much though). And even I haven't yet managed doing something with potatoes that bad so I didn't like it.
For drinking I definitle like most any kind of juices. Or, if I'm touring around, pure water without anything. Still better is fresh, clear spring water, but this is almost only available in Iceland. I definitely don't like anything containing alcohol (as you learn quickly if you know me).
Friends never were many around me. But most of them are good friends. And most of them are good friends for a long time. But if you know me you might know that as well.
For working I spent a lot of time at Fraunhofer Institute for integrated Circuits, as a sidejob for students. Everyone has heared something of them, I'm sure about that. But probably noone knows he has.
Books are another very important thing in my life. Or at least used to be, as curretly I rarely have time for reading them. Of course I've read some classics everyone should know (Tolkien, Douglas Adams,...) and then also lots of other stuff, from Wolfgang Hohlbein to Theodor Storm, from Herbert Rosendorfer to Halldór Laxness. Currently I like most the books of Sartre and Camus, and... well, many many other. But I've never counted the pages of course or even the many different authors I've read. :)
Other things "about me" are few only. And if anyone asked me, what I do when I'm just coming home and have nothing else to do, well, then I'd have to answer I'll do just anything, but this happens so rarely that I don't remember what I did last time I was in such a situation...
Special features: none. I always try not to attract too much attention on me and might only stand out by this.
Oh yes... there are also some photos of me, as you hopefully see on the right margin. I have recently made them with a simple webcam. It was quiet a interesting job to make such strange hardware cooperate with Linux.
To learn more about me you of course could start at my homepage and look around a little there. Have fun with that however!This page in german See some statistics | ![]() | all contents © copyright by Olaf Kähler last update Sun Jan 29 22:06:24 2006 |