Olaf's Homepage
...or what once should become Olaf's Homepage
Well, all of this is a single huge construction site yet, some links might be broken, some might be disappointing, but that's how it is with hobbies: you never have the time you wish to have, because there are so many other things to be done.
Iceland is probably my most important hobby, therefore that part is the most advanced yet. Well, at least there are lots of photos and some (german) reports of my travels there. But, who cares such a strange country like Iceland anyway...
Travelling is some kind of my favorite hobby anyway, if only it was not that expensive and time consuming. Anyway you'll find some information, reports or photos here of the places I've come to so far (very incomplete and without Iceland).
Biking has become another important hobby of mine. I did not have the time though to write something about that yet.
Computer science is what I have finished studying in the meantime. It's probably best if I just add a link to my current employer.
"About me" that's some part belonging on every homepage. And though this is not just any homepage but mine I'll write a little at this place I guess...
My links should be collected and sorted here somehow as well. From time to time I stumble upon some interesting site and put the URL to some "text.txt" and there it is then and I never find it when I needed it. Here is my clumsy try to change this...
My Guestbook is mostly german, but don't be shy dropping me a line in english!
And by the way I'm mostly working on the german version of this page, but try to keep this english up to date.
This site should by the way ALWAYS be available as http://www.island-olaf.de/, the various old web-services all do not work as they should anymore...